Play-a-Round Golf

Golf: Hobby or Business Investment?

Why do you play? Ask a dozen golfers and you’ll get thirteen answers as to why they tee it up each week. Many revolve around the big four: hobby, exercise, therapy, and relationships. Your answer will help you understand a bit about yourself and what you value in life. Golf is a Hobby!  Do you […]

Eight Essentials to Exciting, Successful Team Events!

If golf is such a great way to build business relationships, why don’t more business people  use it to develop their teams? Perhaps their last event was missing one or more of the eight essentials necessary for successful, exciting team events. Our customers tell us that golf is truly a great way to grow their team. We’ve hosted over […]

The war between parents and teens: How to call a truce…

Raising a teenager doesn’t have to be a constant battle. Kids don’t enjoy fighting with their parents, but even the best-behaved teens can flare up and lash out at the ’rents from time to time, and being understanding doesn’t mean you have to tolerate disrespect and dangerous behavior. Keep your temper and manage the occasional […]

Vacationing with the In-laws? Here’s help…

Summertime often means getting together with in-laws. While some look forward to this opportunity others dread it and can get very physically emotional about the pending visit. Here’s an article that we included in Family Times last November that you and your spouse might find helpful. Mothers-in-law might be the butt of many a joke, […]

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