When Learning: Do You Persevere or Give In?
What do you say to a graduating class of very privileged school boys knowing that they would almost certainly soon be drafted into military service to face the enemy in battle?
What Do You See: Obstacles or Beauty?
Ask someone to describe the 7th hole at Peeble Beach Golf Links and they’ll probably mention the ocean waves crashing against the seawall on the left, right, and far sides of the hole. They’ll also tell you about the bunkers that are short, long, and left. They also might mention the wind that frequently blows there. […]
The Benefits of Playing Golf
Golf is great exercise…so choose golf courses you can walk. It might seem like golf is a casual walk around the course, but you actually exceed 10,000 steps, which is the daily guideline for exercise recommended by medical experts to maintain good health. Not only are you walking, but also carrying your bag or pulling […]
Moms, Are You Teaching Your Children How to Play?
My mother was a great golf instructor. She was always telling me, “Stop slouching. Stand up straight.” It turns out that even though Mom never swung a golf club, she was encouraging me in one of the essential elements of any good ball striker: good posture. Check Your Physical Posture. A dependable golf swing rotates around […]
Integrity or Results: Which do you value?
Golf, like life, is a collection of transactions and relationships that change as you travel around the course or community. It is easy to take shortcuts along the way, like tossing a ball from behind a rock or not counting a wiff. It’s easy to tell little “white” lies to smooth over embarrassing situations. Integrity, however, is often at […]
Parents and Children – We All Need Consistency!
Children need consistency. After all, if the same action meets with smiles and praise one day and yelling and punishment the next, how are they supposed to make any sense of the world? Parents need consistency too. Without it, not only do they make a rod for their own backs in terms of […]
Golf: A Game for The Whole Family?
“To play or not to play? That is the question.” With all due respect to William Shakespeare, the question isn’t whether we will be, it’s whether we will play. Today’s workplace is much tougher. Companies cutting back their workforces resulting in more tasks being placed on those who remain. Home time isn’t much better. Maintaining a proper home life […]
What’s the big idea?
The legendary David Ogilvie was a pioneer of the advertising industry. One reason for his success and influence was his ability to create what he called “the Big Idea”—a memorable concept that he could wrap an ad around, or base an entire advertising campaign on. Here’s how he developed Big Ideas—and how you can, too: […]
Good Advice for All Managers (and Parents)
It’s said that when former Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Gordon Dean died in a plane crash in 1958, an envelope was found among his personal effects. On the back of the envelope, Dean had scribbled nine lessons that he had learned in life. Every manager would be wise to take note of each one: Never […]
What’s Your Company’s Value(s)?
Over the last few months we’ve shared in this space how we at Play-a-Round Golf conduct business to ensure that what we do is guided by the “how” of our values. Centuries ago an entrepreneur sent a letter to a small group and explained how they should care for one another. We want our business […]