Want to Get Better? Describe Your Swing
Golf is a popular hobby and like most golf enthsiasts, I’ve read hundreds of magazine articles and dozens of books about the golf swing. I’ve tried scores of different clubs and chatted endlessly about golf with my golfing buddies. But, the other day I read something that caught me up short. A golf tour professional in a book I was reading was challenged by […]
What’s Your Company’s Value(s)?
Over the last few months we’ve shared in this space how we at Play-a-Round Golf conduct business to ensure that what we do is guided by the “how” of our values. Centuries ago an entrepreneur sent a letter to a small group and explained how they should care for one another. We want our business […]
Truth or Consequences?
Lying without getting caught is hard work. Growing up, too often I found myself caught up in my own stories. One little stretching of the truth led to two. Two embellishments led to four, and so on. After telling the story several times and watching it grow, I realized that I had created a “house […]