Will You Play with Me?
Do you play?
Moms, Are You Teaching Your Children How to Play?
My mother was a great golf instructor. She was always telling me, “Stop slouching. Stand up straight.” It turns out that even though Mom never swung a golf club, she was encouraging me in one of the essential elements of any good ball striker: good posture. Check Your Physical Posture. A dependable golf swing rotates around […]
Do You Play?
The Unsinkable Molly Brown was one of my mother-in-law’s favorite musicals. We loved to quote lines and sing the songs together at family meals. One of the frequently quoted lines came from during a social ball when Molly asks a guest, “Do you play, Gladys?” “Why, no” was the tert reply. To which Molly replied, “What a pity!” […]
Who’s Going To Teach Your Children to Play?
Great introductory session Thursday evening with nine women. I started the session as I do and asked them why they want to invest time to learn the game. One by one each of the attendees shared their reasons. One wanted to enhance her career. Another came because her husband “pushed her into coming.” But, most of the […]
Hey, I just want to play.
“There is a trophy to be won. Golfers are keenly focused. Pressure is on. But, I just want to play. Really! I’m not interested in a lower handicap. I just want to play. “I could care less about a trophy. I want to laugh with my friends. Rib them occasionally when their fourth putt […]
Golf: A Game for The Whole Family?
“To play or not to play? That is the question.” With all due respect to William Shakespeare, the question isn’t whether we will be, it’s whether we will play. Today’s workplace is much tougher. Companies cutting back their workforces resulting in more tasks being placed on those who remain. Home time isn’t much better. Maintaining a proper home life […]
Why Doesn’t Your Mom Play?
Over the last five years, I’ve spoken with hundreds of families about playing golf. Most of the time, they’re next door having dinner and stop in to see what we’re all about. After a brief tour (we’re not that big), the husband and children often express their excitement about coming back real soon to play […]
Family Time: For What It’s Worth
So, you and your family would like to learn to play golf? Your next question is probably, “How much is it going to cost us?” Great question. Maybe it won’t cost as much as you think. Let’s for a moment assume that your family consists of two adults and two children; the youngest of which is 4 or more. […]