Play-a-Round Golf

Some Kooky Ways to Spike Your Creativity…

Everyone, it seems, wants to be more creative. But how? Here are few ways to spark the creative juices and kick off some creative adventures. Shake things up a bit—so that you become less dulled to the experiences you have:

  • Write an anonymous letter to a younger person to save them from some trouble in their lives.
  • Take down all the artwork in your house and replace it with blocks of rectangular color. Change the color each week and check out your response.
  • Trade your couch with your neighbor’s couch for a month.
  • Get a camera, some pads of paper and a couple of friends. Select someone on the street. Go up to that person and start taking pictures and asking for that person’s autograph.
  • Buy some cheap flowers and hand them out to strangers during the day.
  • Stop a stranger on the street and give him or her $10.
  • Write poetry on the street corners with colored chalk.
  • Secretly do something nice for a friend. Do the dishes, fold a load of clothes.

Do you have another idea? Feel free to add your thoughts below.

[Article first appeared in the August, 2010 issue of Family Times.]

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