Play-a-Round Golf

Don’t Stagnate…Innovate! Want to Know Why?

Having rounded the corner into another new year, many employees will be turning their thoughts to how they can make 2011 the year that they put themselves ahead of the pack, raise their profile within their organizations and make themselves natural contenders for promotion.  As just doing more of the same day in and day out only leads to stagnation, not just for individual workers but for the company too, why not make 2011 your year of innovation?

Employers love innovators, because without them they would soon fall behind the times and be quickly overtaken by the competition.  No matter which area of a business you work in, there is always a way to add value through innovation.  Here are a few tips to get you thinking.

  • Live, eat and breathe innovation.  Think about how changes in technology or to systems and processes could make or save your employer money, and actively seek out opportunities to innovate if you want to make a name for yourself.
  • Don’t get stuck in today.  Think about the bigger picture and what might be needed weeks, months and years into the future.
  • Look beyond your own team or department.  Often it is easier for “outsiders” to spot opportunities for innovation than those who are closely involved.
    • Speak up.  An idea is useless if you keep it inside your own head.  If you spot opportunities, speak up and act on your inspiration.

 [Article first appeared in the February 2011 issue of Family Times published monthly by Play-a-Round Golf. To receive your own copy of Family Times each month send your mailing address to]

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