Play-a-Round Golf

Bored at Work?

Not every job can offer constant excitement and challenge, but if you’re feeling bored at work, your career could be in trouble. Don’t spend your days updating your Facebook profile or playing solitaire.

   Analyze the possible causes of workplace ennui so you can do something about it:

  • You’re on autopilot. Falling into a routine of doing the same tasks the same way, day after day, is easy. So is breaking out of the pattern. Rearrange your day by doing things in a different order, trying a new approach, or eliminating activities you don’t really need to perform.
  • You don’t have enough energy. Take a look at your eating, sleeping, and exercise habits. Are you taking care of yourself? If not, you won’t have the strength or will power to make changes in your life and your job. Talk to your physician and get your health back on track.
  • You’re just going with the flow. If nobody around you is challenged on the job, you probably won’t seek out new experiences or skills on your own. Don’t be complacent—take an active role in developing yourself professionally and personally, no matter what’s going on around you at work.
  • You feel invisible. Your boss or organization may not realize what you’re capable of doing. Volunteer for special projects that will show off your hidden skills. Suggest ideas for helping your organization achieve its goals. Don’t be afraid to rock the boat a little.
  • You’re in the wrong job. Maybe you’ve grown out of your position, or you pursued a career you don’t really like in order to make money or please your family. Look for ways to restructure your job—or your life. Maybe position yourself for promotion, become a consultant, or go back to school. Don’t make any rash, impulsive decisions, but take stock of where you are and where you really want to be.

“Chose a job you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.” Confucius.

 [Article first appeared in the November, 2010 issue of Family Times published monthly by Play-a-Round Golf.]

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