Play-a-Round Golf

“Will You Do Me a Favor?”

Robert Collier as one of the most famous salesmen of the 1930s, able to sell just about anything to anyone. One of his most powerful sales tactics was letter writing, and one of his most successful sales letters was the “Will you do me a favor?” letter.

Collier was inspired by the story of how a company manager asked a favor from a competing business, which ultimately led to the two firms merging. Collier believed the same idea could work in print – and he was right.

The letter asks the recipient for a favor – to try a new product – and then goes on to explain the benefits and features of the product while offering a “special introductory price” for certain customers only. The simple use of psychology allowed Collier to sell as many a twenty thousand raincoats at a time and is stilled used today with a great level of success.

No, we’re not looking to sell raincoats or even indoor golf, at least not in this post. What we would appreciate is if you like us, would you do me the favor of telling your friends about us? You can also click the Like button on this site to let your friends know that you appreciate our services.

[Editor’s Note: Please note that we have suspended printing the Family Times Newsletter for the summer. We know that many of you looked forward to receiving this each month. We may resume publication late this fall. In the meantime, we will share this same information with you via the Family Times blog portion of our new website. If you haven’t been there, check us out by clicking Play-a-Round Golf Home button in the navigation bar above. We look forward to serving you and your family this summer. Blessings, Steve Graves, Sr. Chief FUN Officer.]

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