Play-a-Round Golf

Play Your Children Smarter?

It might be fun, but playing with your children has much more going for it than just that.  Not only does it help with your children’s concentration skills and to improve their attention spans, but it helps them to work through problems, triggers their imaginations, makes them more independent and, of course, helps to bring you closer together as a family.  Here are five top tips on how to really maximize your playtime with the kids.

  • Intentionally set aside quality time for playing – at least 10-15 minutes when you give your child your full attention.
  • Letting your child have a say in what to play instead of choosing for him or her will lead to a much more productive learning experience.
  • Sit close to your little one and give him or her good eye contact.  Children need to know that you are involved and interested, so if that means sprawling out on the floor with them, then do so.
  • Rather than directing the playtime yourself and asking your child endless questions, copy what he or she is doing and simply describe what you see. 
  • Give genuine, sincere and enthusiastic praise to your child as soon as possible after they have done something “right” to reinforce the behavior.  For example, if you are playing at dressing dolls, say something like “What a good girl you are for putting the blue skirt on.

At Play-a-Round Golf, we believe that “Teaching works best when fun comes first.” Take time, play a little, and your children will learn faster.

 [Article first appeared in September, 2010 issue of Family Times.]

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