Play-a-Round Golf

“…life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness.”

Happy birthday to the greatest country on earth! But, will what made us great keep us in our lofted position?

The men who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 right here in Philadelphia were farmers, businessmen, preachers, and tradesmen. They sacrificed business pursuits to meet together and hack through the jungle of opinions, rumor, and just plain untruths to create a new democratic republic founded on guaranteeing certain essentials to everyone, including: life, liberty, and happiness. Oops, sorry, that last one isn’t there.

No one assumed in 1776 that the country should guarantee personal happiness to its citizens. What are we to say then? That these men were uncaring and hadn’t yet found or developed their nurturing side or that they were cunning, crafty businessmen out for their own gain building political careers? No, these notions miss the real truth. Our founders for all their faults, and there were many, not only fought the enemy, but, like so many who would follow them, cared for their families, their neighbors, and their communities. They sacrificed their lives, wealth, and achievements for their personal happiness of helping to realize the dream we call America.

Lately, it seems that I find myself siding more frequently with Pogo, who said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” There are growing mountains of opinions, rumors, and just plain untruths. So, what is the way forward? How do we hack through today’s jungle? Perhaps we need to get back to the essentials that made us great.

On this Fourth of July, let us set aside our differences and celebrate the wisdom of our founders to create a country built on these certain inalienable rights. May we pursue and help our fellow citizens in pursuit of happiness. And, let us not think for one moment that we can create or guarantee happiness for them (or ourselves). Sorry, again, but, in all humility, that is something each of us must decide and pursue individually for ourselves and together for our families, communities, and our country.

Celebrate America!

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