Play-a-Round Golf

How to Break 100, Pt. 4: Hitting the Club’s Center More Often

by Jim Bromley, PGA

So far, we’ve talked about some of the key pieces to hitting the ball more solid. They are the proper set-up routine (standing correct distance from the ball) and keeping your left arm in control on the backswing.

Now let’s add another piece: keeping your swing center as still as possible through the strike of the ball. The swing center is a point in the center of your chest (not your head). There’s no question that the best ball-strikers keep this point or swing center steadier than the rest of us. To start, practice your swing in front of a mirror (full swings require video). A key point is that the more your weight moves, the more your swing center moves (there’s a minimal amount of weight shift in the backswing). The quieter the weight, the more efficient your swing will be. As always, send me any questions you have.

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