Play-a-Round Golf

Heat Exhaustion or Heat Stroke? Both are serious. One can be deadly.

As temperatures rise in the summer months, so does the risk of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Both are serious. Heat stroke can be deadly.

Heat exhaustion is more common. It typically strikes when people work or play strenuously in a hot, humid environment, causing them to sweat excessively. With diminished fluids and salts, the body loses its ability to cool itself, resulting in symptoms including dizziness, muscle cramps and pain, head­ache, nausea, and weakness.

Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition caused when the brain is unable to control the body’s cooling system. The rise in internal body temperature can result in damage to the brain and other organs. “Classic” heat stroke can develop over a period of days; “exertional” heat stroke strikes more quickly and primarily affects younger, more active persons.

Symptoms of heat stroke include loss of consciousness, confusion, hallucinations, hyperventilation, and flushed, hot, or dry skin. Seek medical help immediately if you suspect heat stroke.

Even in a case of heat exhaustion, consult with a physician, especially if the person loses consciousness, complains of chest or abdominal pain, has trouble keeping fluids down, or has a temperature of 104° F or higher.

Heat stroke and heat exhaustion can hit anyone, but children and older people tend to be more susceptible, so keep a watch on your family when the weather turns hot.

 [Article first appeared in Family Times, August, 2010.]

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