It’s Fathers Day. By the way, is it supposed to be Father’s Day, Fathers Day, or Fathers’ Day? Hmm…
Anyway, here’s another day set aside by well-meaning folks to sell you golf equipment we’re not trained to use, ties we’ll don’t want to wear, cards that retell the obvious, and a bunch of other stuff for the “man who has everything.”
What do I want this Fathers Day?
- Faith in Someone who walks with me through the dark valleys and guides my decisions each day.
- Hope for a tomorrow filled with happier times.
- Love of family and friends even when the circumstances seem hopeless.
“…but, the greatest of these is love.”
Enjoy the day. Remember your father, your children’s father(s), and your Father with gifts that will last a lifetime – theirs and yours.
Live each day growing in faith.
Laugh at yourself and circumstances to cultivate hope.
Love one another – no matter what.